Only 8.2% of CEOs are WOMEN in the S&P 500, in the Nasdaq Top 10 there are no Women CEOs. Would IA and Web3 change this for Women?

The importance and role of women in the Web3 and Artificial Intelligence era should be a priority. Since women are half of the planet and yet their participation in business leadership positions is less than that of many minorities, and they are not a minority. Nowadays, with the rise of artificial intelligence, many people have […]


The importance and role of women in the Web3 and Artificial Intelligence era should be a priority. Since women are half of the planet and yet their participation in business leadership positions is less than that of many minorities, and they are not a minority.

Nowadays, with the rise of artificial intelligence, many people have taken it for granted that bots will eventually replace humans in many areas in the not too distant future. From this perspective, the hopes that the situation will change for women are minimal unless we take action as soon as possible.

In order to write this note, we consulted ChatGPT4 about:

Women’s role in Web3 in artificial intelligence era?

ChatGPT4’s response being:

“In the age of Web3 and artificial intelligence, the role of women is vital. As we move towards an increasingly digitized future, it is critical to ensure the inclusion and equal participation of women in all aspects of technology.”

And even though we don’t differ from the answer it gives us, because it is accurate, includes the most important, reads very well, and is politically correct. At the moment of truth, when the AI algorithms that control the visibility and the reach of the REELS of TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, which are the most important, since they are the ones that allow us to expand the promotion and the dissemination of the work of WEB 3 WOMEN, outside their own community, that is where we notice that what ChatGPT4 states of the AI is not fulfilled.

In contrast, the content that is promoted is very superficial, only when the WOMEN ON WEB3 appear dancing, or in bikinis or when they look beautiful in their photos, but when we start promoting content of our work, studies, research or our business, the reach slows down drastically and it is not that people do not want to see that content, the algorithm does not show it, people simply do not have the option to see the WOMEN ON WEB3 doing really interesting things, not just being pretty.

Marilyn Alvarado one of the leaders of NEAR Woman and NEAR Peru, social scientist and expert in Reputation and Strategic Marketing and SEO, is doing some live experiments with the algorithms of TikTok, Instagram and Facebook REELS, being the algorithms of TikTok Reels the worst of all, for suddenly stopping the reach, when she noticed that there was a criticism to their algorithms in Instagram, additionally the algorithms of Instagram and Facebook also stopped the reach, but gradually, when it would be logical to take advantage of this fact to show a healthy competition where Instagram and Facebook could be more friendly to empower women, but on the contrary it seems that there is a coordination between algorithms to INVISIBILIZE WOMEN and that algorithms support each other against women who only want to show their work in WEB3 and not just look pretty.

Marilyn Alvarado una de las lideres de NEAR Woman y NEAR Perú, científica social y experta en Marketing Estratégico y SEO, está haciendo unos experimentos en vivo con los algoritmos de los REELS de TikTok, Instagram y Facebook siendo los algoritmos de los Reels de TikTok el peor de todos, por frenar de golpe el alcance, cuando noto que había una crítica a sus algoritmos en Instagram, adicionalmente los algoritmos de Instagram y Facebook también frenaron el alcance, pero paulatinamente, cuando lo lógico sería que aprovechen ese hecho para mostrar una sana competencia donde Instagram y Facebook, sean más amigables con empoderar a la mujer, pero muy por el contrario pareciera que existe una coordinación entre los algoritmos para INVISIBILIZAR A LA MUJER y que se apoyan entre algoritmos contra las mujeres que solo quieren mostrar su trabajo en WEB3 y no solo verse lindas.

This social experiment is recent, so you can follow the analysis live on Marilyn’s accounts (if they don’t shut down Marilyn’s accounts instead of correcting their mistakes and training the algorithm to tell it not to slow down the reach when women show their work on WEB3, if people don’t want to see it, no problem, but don’t avoid showing it).




And these are the posts in question, if you detect more activities of this nature, by these algorithms, we invite you to comment on them, in our Telegram community: since we are interested, to all the Women of NEAR Women and Meritocracy For Women, How will be the outcome of this social and AI experiment.


What is real in AI Times? She’s not me! I am in #NERDMode and I am proud of that 🤓 because What I am building can help thousands of small businesses ( 43% of Internet are website made in WORDPRESS) and MERITOCRACY PLUGIN can connect them with WEB3 (NEAR Protocol). You’ll be able to create websites in WEB3 with NO CODING required! | #NEAR #nearprotocol #nearisthebos #womanentrepreneur #womenentrepreneurs #womenentrepreneur #femalefounder #siliconvalley #bayarea #sanfrancisco #womenceo #womanceo #womeninbiz #womaninbusiness #womanintech #meritocracyforwomen #MeritocracyPlugin #MeritocracyClub #Web3 #Web2 #TheBridge #NEARWomen #WomenInAI #AI

♬ original sound – Marilyn Alvarado

I am in #NERDMode and I am proud of that 🤓 because What I am building can help thousands of small businesses ( 43% of Internet are website made in WORDPRESS) and MERITOCRACY PLUGIN can connect them with WEB3 (NEAR Protocol). The plugin IS 100% FREE. More info send me a DM on my Twitter Account: @SocialmeetClub You’ll be able to create websites in WEB3 with NO CODING required! | #NEAR #nearprotocol #nearisthebos #womanentrepreneur #womenentrepreneurs #womenentrepreneur #femalefounder #siliconvalley #bayarea #sanfrancisco #womenceo #womanceo #womeninbiz #womaninbusiness #womanintech #meritocracyforwomen #MeritocracyPlugin #MeritocracyClub #Web3 #Web2 #TheBridge

♬ original sound – Marilyn Alvarado

On the other hand, although we find problems in the main social networks, it can be seen that women have begun to develop a very important role in the Web3 world, but there is still a long way to go in this aspect, and that is why we continue to look for more safe spaces where women can be part of communities to be supported and driven, either by bringing proposals and projects to develop and implement within the ecosystems, or being part of educational projects where they can learn more about the world of blockchain and Web3 technology, and this is where it enters the stage: NEAR Women.

NEAR Women Community that seeks to identify Women Leaders inside the NEAR Protocol.

NEAR Women is a community of women, dedicated to all those women, who make life in the NEAR Protocol ecosystem, its founder Marilyn Alvarado, who is CEO and founder of Socialmeet The Best Meritocracy Club in The World, and is also one of the 2 representatives of Near Peru and currently lives in San Francisco, USA. She has begun to decentralize the community of women inside the Near Protocol ecosystem, so that it expands and in order to seek representation in Latin American countries and the world, has taken the initiative to seek some of the most representative women of NEAR, by countries, to appoint them as Administrators and Leaders in the Telegram community of NEAR Women and NEAR Women Leaders currently we have in NEAR Women with representatives from the following countries and cities :

Alejandra Corbella Near San Francisco; Carolina Cavenaghi Near Brazil; Rosa Maria Near Chile and Peru and Milly Rodriguez Near Venezuela.

And the search continues for more women to represent their cities, regions and countries, so if you haven’t joined yet, you can do it here. If you have Twitter you can also join our Twitter community: MeritocracyForWomen.

A source of inspiration for us as part of NEAR Women within Near Protocol is Marieke Flament, the CEO of NEAR FOUNDATION, who has played an extraordinary role within the Foundation, as she has throughout her career, and is living proof that women can rise to the highest leadership positions in NEAR.

It is appropriate to seek a balance in the use of Artificial Intelligence, because otherwise it will be the same human being who will continue to drive their own displacement, it is also essential to give room for women on the web3 and try to make every day the world more inclusive to achieve equality and parity that must be possessed in any field but especially in technology.


This article was written by Milly Rodríguez and translated into English by Julieta Marcos