ChatGPT or other Artificial Intelligence tools are not capable of making proposals like this, led by Women who want to help more women lead WEB3. Women Founders and Entrepreneurs, this proposal and community is for you! #MeritocracyForWomen To give some context to this public OPEN WEB 3 to NEAR Protocol proposal, we start by sharing […]


ChatGPT or other Artificial Intelligence tools are not capable of making proposals like this, led by Women who want to help more women lead WEB3. Women Founders and Entrepreneurs, this proposal and community is for you! #MeritocracyForWomen

To give some context to this public OPEN WEB 3 to NEAR Protocol proposal, we start by sharing this tweet:

For me, this tweet is so brilliant! As a legitimate female founder, I am tired and frustrated, as you can see in my last two tweets on X:

I 100% agree with the statement of the tweet of @jarednotjerry1 ‘Legit builders will soon be gone, and the environment will become so toxic that new founders will look elsewhere.’ That’s why true merit is so important, not nepotism, clientelism, or cronyism. I have published here my proposal, which really helps the ecosystem and mass adoption, since October. Someone in MDAO decided I post it in November, then again in December. My proposal is in this article, but in parallel, the women from #SheIsNEAR, where I was part of the core team and invested many hours of my time for free, posted strange tweet against me on Twitter without any reason. This happened right after I asked for an investigation into their hack (which seems to happen frequently in NEAR communities nowadays). I don’t really know what’s going on in NEAR. I know there are at least two sides in conflict because I receive many DMs from whistleblowers. I don’t know the details about who is who in the NEAR ecosystem, but what I do know is that I am not on any side. I am just one of the LEGIT WOMEN FOUNDERS and BUILDERS because I have built seven hybrid dApps that work with NEAR, and I am the co-founder of Meritocracy Plugin, which connects NEAR with 43% of the internet (WordPress). I’m not playing games, I’m not part of any cartel, and I’m just a LEGIT Founder and builder looking for funding to keep building in BROTOPIA! Here is my proposal:

Section 1 – Project Information:


This proposal was posted in September at and deferred to November, posted on time on November 15, and deferred again to December for MDAO decision. We truly believe that NEAR can lose valuable founders, and in this case. Also female founders of whom we do not have many in the ecosystem, if the decision process is not accelerated. On the other hand, it is the first time we apply for HoM GRANT and we hope to receive the response faster. In the meantime we have received offers from Cosmos and Ethereum, so now our proposal is MULTICHAIN. Please check out this proposal below that could help mass adoption and retention on NEAR and WEB3.

  • Project: MERITOCRACY
  • When was your Project established? Our history with NEAR started when we won a grant from Near foundation in December 2021 to build MERITOCRACY PLUGIN. We’ve just finished the functionalities of the MPVs of my Startups and built communities, that are interconnected and support each other and now we are ready for users, but what stopped us is the legal and Tax structure, and that is why we came up with this project which is very necessary for founders who want to build WEB3 must deal with regulatory and tax issues around Crypto.
  • Category: Ecosystem/NFT/Regional Development/Marketing
  • Project’s Category: Community Led, NFT, Ecosystem, Startups

Section 2. Previous Funding

  • Have you received funding for this project from any source?: Yes
  • Any source of funding. This may include NEAR Foundation Grants, and existing GDAOs, among others. We won a Grant from the NEAR Foundation in December 2021 for built MERITOCRACY PLUGIN that connect NEAR with WEB2 (WordPress). We successfully finished all the 4 milestones that NEAR FOUNDATION requires from us for the Grant and we launched the Plugin and then NEAR changed the Wallet. Although it was not in our contract with NF to do additional work to change the plugin to the new wallet, because this happens after our contract was signed, we did it for free, and MERITOCRACY plugin successfully migrated to 

We don’t receive any additional funding from NEAR Ecosystem

Section 3. PROJECT URLs


MERITOCRACY PLUGIN (Co-Founder / Connect NEAR with 43% of the internet):


  • Website (Hybrid dApp that connects with NEAR wallet through MERITOCRACY Plugin):
  • Twitter (more than 10K of Followers):
  • Fanpage and groups on Facebook and also I have the Fanpage of book with 112,000 fans, but we don’t believe in Facebook anymore for WEB3, so much censorship for Businesses and the algorithms have excessive control against good organic content. But maybe we can do some experiments there because my networking is very valuable there, just in case.



My Link in Bio with my 7 dApp MVPS of my Startups as an example of use cases of the MERITOCRACY PLUGIN:

Is Your Project Targeting a Specific Country? In general, it is GLOBAL, some projects are bilingual (Spanish and English) but in the case of NEAR WOMEN It is a global community of WOMEN in SPANISH for Near Protocol

Which region will your DAO/ Project support? Global/International with special focus in SILICON VALLEY where I live and where I have an outstanding network as you can ask to NEAR people who live in San Francisco and also can check of my highlands on my Instagram or in my Facebook

Section 4. Applicant Information

All these activities were FOR FREE:

I was giving a Spanish language webinar about BOS and Aurora as you can check out here in this link: 

I was honored to be invited to a VIP Reception at APEC as a representative of Woman Founder from Latam in Silicon Valley. Here are some photos and videos about that invitations to USA APEC 2023 as leader women:

I was a speaker at Open Web House powered by Hackbox / Ethereum México 2023.

I was a speaker as Women Founder for Open Web Academy

I was a speaker as a Founder of Meritocracy  for NEAR@NIGHT

I was the host to support NDC “Meet Candidates that will support Latin America and Women in the NDC”

And also I think these link, are relevant:

My proposal was submitted on time on November 15 but was postponed until December, additionally this proposal also was postponed before in October to November by MDAO, this our first time we apply to NDC and we hope this time we will have a faster answer. For founders time is crucial and so are opportunities, so we recommend that if the deadline is not clear, an exception be made for the next time in favor of the applicants and this worst and it feel terrible when the applicant arrives on the last day because try to HELP the ecosystem for FREE with her conference as a speaker of BOS and Aurora in Peru, here in the link the explanation.

And I was also part of the council representing PERU in NEAR HISPANO, FOR FREE and this community also strangely disappeared or changed its name or something like that, and many of us waste our valuable time and give them valuable contacts and invest many hours in proposals with the promise of funding.

Finally, I invested many hours and many days, I attended dozens of meetings at #SheIsNEAR some of them at 6am, because I was part of the core team, as many members of House of Merit know and one day I asked for help to investigate the hack they say suffered, because disappear many documents with last minute editions of certain women disappeared too, budgets and conversations as well, and I got these tweets after because I asked for help for the investigation of the hack to the NEAR Ecosystem, how strange!

I made my report in another post here on #TheHumanTeam and also on BOS about this strange behavior of #SheIsNEAR here is the link:

Section 5. Team Members

  • Please provide information about Team Members. Information should be included.

My team is made up of well-connected founders outside the NEAR ecosystem from Peru, USA (SILICON VALLEY), and Pakistan one of the top ten countries of The 2023 Global Crypto Adoption  like my co-founder Saad Iqbal from the MERITOCRACY plugin it makes a lot of sense because I will attract new small businesses and new people to the NEAR ecosystem, not people who are already are part of NEAR. Additionally, some valuable people from “Aurora is NEAR” They are ready to work too if we receive funding. Unfortunately, we receive few DMs from other people in the ecosystem and they receive the indication that don’t work in my project, or they will lose their funding, and they don’t want to put in risk their current funding, when is not guarantee that we receive funding either. I don’t know if what they said in their DMs is true or not, because there are many hacks nowadays in the ecosystem, so you never know.

 I am the leader of my team: Marilyn Alvarado
●    CEO & Founder of Socialmeet the Best Meritocracy Club in the World
●    Co-Founder and Project Manager of MERITOCRACY PLUGIN 
●    Founder of Meritocracy For WOMEN

  • Founder of NEAR Women, the 1st Women Community for NEAR created in 2022, approved by NEAR FOUNDATION,
    I was decorated by the Peruvian American National Council (PANC) and was a Speaker at the United States State Department with a presentation on new communication tools in the 21st century. Similarly, she was recognized by the United States Congress for creating Socialmeet. Her Startup was selected by PROMPERU to represent Peru in the Pacific Alliance (Peru + Colombia +Chile+ Mexico) Workshop in RUTA N (one of the most important innovations think tanks in Latin America) in Medellín, Colombia and Silicon Valley/ San Francisco in 2019 at Palace of Fine Arts.

I can mention and include the following roles of my team, all of them will be from the NEAR Ecosystem and from Communities of Blockchain Peru and Silicon Valley as well and will be fluent Spanish and English Speakers, familiar with the idiosyncrasies of Latin culture. Some individuals will fill multiple roles. Roles will include:

  • 2 Business Partnership leaders
  • 2 CM Spanish Native Speakers
  • 1 CM Tech core of Meritocracy Plugin in English he also speaks Urdu the lingua franca of Pakistan
  • 1 Instructor for NCB (NEAR Certified Business): prepare and teach the certification in Spanish, focus on NEAR ecosystem and its best and serious projects and what they offer have to businesses and Startups.
  • 1 Co-Business Instructor NCB (NEAR Certified Business): prepare and teach the certification, focus on Businesses and insights of Founders and CEOs about they want to find in NEAR.
  • 1 Translator to English of the NCB (NEAR Certified Business) 
  • 1 video editor
  • 1 Producer and Interviewer
  • 1 Business Co-Interviewer
  • 1 Lawyer
  • 1 Tax Expert
  • 1 Designer
  • 1 Writer
  • 1 Researcher
  • Team of developers and Growth Hacking specialist in WordPress and NEAR under the direction of my Tech Co-founder Saad Iqbal of MERITOCRACY PLUGIN (upgrades and maintenance). As an expert in WordPress, we know: maintenance and upgrades of the plugins are vital, because this not depends on us, depends of WordPress itself and the other plugins of third parties as well, as a result 3 months can be sound a short period for devs, but for WordPress could happens more than 20 upgrades or more in this period of time.

Section 6. Experience

What related qualifications, experience, or track record does your team bring to this initiative?

  • Short Summary of Your and Team’s Professional Experience

My Co-Founder of MERITOCRACY PLUGIN is Saad Iqbal, Founder of Objects, WPExperts, Wooexpert, and myCred, with over 500+ satisfied clients with 1000+ projects delivered worldwide, his WordPress development experts are known for developing and customizing functional and feature-rich WordPress theme and plugin solutions. Additionally, if you’re looking for the best gamification plugin, MyCred consistently ranks in the top five recommendations by WordPress experts.

We won a Grant from the NEAR Foundation in December 2021 so we work together for almost 2 years.

We are business partners and the perfect complement for each other because I am the project manager of MERITOCRACY PLUGIN, the business and marketer person, also with great networking in Silicon Valley, and he is the technical person with great reputation in WordPress, additionally I am a women Founder in WEB3 that sometimes also help us in be attract for certain kind of attention from some institutions that are interesting in empower women founders. We built together the open-source plugin, we finish already our contract with NEAR Foundation and successfully finished all our Milestones.

List Web3 Projects You Have Completed, Live Links to Examples of Relevant Work and Relevant Data Points Showing Your Competencies

  1. MERITOCRACY PLUGIN Co-Founder. Launch Page:
  2. MERITOCRACY CLUB (Founder): Website (Hybrid dApp that connects with NEAR wallet through MERITOCRACY Plugin):
  3. THE HUMAN TEAM (Founder / HUMAN VS AI BLOG): Website (Hybrid dApp that connects with NEAR wallet through MERITOCRACY Plugin):
  4. INFLUENTIAL CIRCLE (Founder): Website (Hybrid dApp that connects with NEAR wallet through MERITOCRACY Plugin):

Section 7. DAO/Project Charter/White or Litepaper and Goals

Project Overview: Presentation with a short High-Level 6 bullet points summary (Mission, Vision, Core programs and how they align with NDC’s NDC CoA Vision, team, and requested budget for the next three months)

  • What Problem Are You Aiming to Solve?
  • DAO/Project Charter;
  • How can your DAO / Project achieve NDC priorities, goals, and KPIs?
  • Roadmap of your DAO/project, Milestones, and achievements


  • Call excellent BUSINESSES and entrepreneurs TO DO BUSINESS, CREATE PARTNERSHIPS, and COLLABORATE with NEAR PROTOCOL and its main projects like BOS, NEAR SOCIAL, REF.FINANCE, AURORA, SHARDOG, and others.
  • Provide a plan for people with MERIT and TALENT to transition into the NEAR ecosystem.
  • “COMMUNITY & BUSINESS EDUCATION: Keep attracting to A GLOBAL COMMUNITY of ENTREPRENEURS, ARTISTS, CELEBRITIES, INFLUENCERS, INTELLECTUALS, JOURNALISTS & LEADERS, AND TRAIN THEM TO DO BUSINESS with NEAR Protocol with the new strategic certification in NEAR: NCB (NEAR Certified BUSINESS).” This quotation is part of the mid-term proposal for 6 months. Either way, in 3 months, we can continue to attract those people with our program “BUSINESS & TECH” on our YouTube Channel and our Twitter account.
  • INFLUENTIAL CIRCLE: create an army of MICRO INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE and MICRO AMBASSADORS to help us spread the word faster in Collaboration with Shardog, Influential Circle, or others in the NEAR ecosystem.


  • Founders
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Investors
  • Developers
  • Startups
  • Women who speak SPANISH
  • Artists
  • Ambassadors
  • Contributors
  • Micro-Influencers


We reviewed the historical support for other communities approved in this Forum and noted that the average budget approved was around USD 2,000 per community. We have 4 communities + 1 Twitter Community. Our proposal includes our work with these 4 communities. For the past 3 months, we have taken the initiative to keep building those communities without any financial support.

  • MERITOCRACY PLUGIN (Spanish and English): This is the community for this plugin, which won a Grant from Near Foundation, and is a bridge between Web2 (Approx. 43% of internet are websites made in WordPress) and WEB3 (NEAR) 1
  • Meritocracy For WOMEN (almost 400 members, Spanish and English): This is a multichain community that connects CEOs, Founders, CTOs, Investors, and other stakeholders in WEB3 from Silicon Valley and Latino America. The focus is on AI, and new technologies, and is mainly intended to help to bring more women to leadership in WEB3. Also, Illia Polosukhin and many valuable members of the NEAR ecosystem (all genders) are there. We would be happy for you to join us and check out for yourself! 2
  • NEAR Women (around 70 women): NEAR Women the 1st Women Community for NEAR created in 2022, approved by NEAR FOUNDATION, (It is a global community of WOMEN in SPANISH for Near Protocol, and focuses on attracting more Spanish-speaking WOMEN to WEB3, interesting in business, funding opportunities, building on WEB3, education, legal, taxes, and partnerships with businesses and projects in the NEAR ecosystem. Telegram: Contact @NEARWomen This community is led by Spanish-speaking WOMEN, like the Fintech Founder Rosa Maria Orellana @rosamaria, or @Millyr06 Milly Rodriguez, an active member of the Aurora ES Near Community since September 2022 creating articles for the Medium Blog additionally She is running the Twitter account now X of that community.
  • NEAR Peru founded with @rosamaria and myself, we both also we were part of the council of NEAR HISPANO representing to our country Peru.

According to Ethnologue, Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the world among native speakers (485 million) and is the 4th most spoken language in the world among all speakers (559 million).

(List of languages by total number of speakers – Wikipedia)

Since the last election of NDC, the Latino community has lost representation in NDC. The reasons for this area are controversial and not clearly identified but could be driven by mistakes or misunderstandings of the rules, not necessarily by bad intentions. Give a chance to Latino women to lead this project and show that our community from Latino America and Spanish Speakers around the world are honest, hardworking, and can show clear results based on KPIs required by NEAR. We will create partnerships with the most relevant communities from Pacific Alliance nations (Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Chile) as well as other Spanish-speaking communities in WEB3. We have already established strategic alliances and collaborations with some communities in the NEAR ecosystem like Near Blockchain en español, Aurora ES Near, Open Web Academy, CIDE-PUCP, ASOCIACION BLOCKCHAIN PERU, CRYPTOBLOCKPERU, ASICREA PERU, MERITOCRACY PLUGIN, FABLAB PERU, FABWOMEN, TIERRA Y SER, WORLD ANIMAL REGISTRY.

We will conduct independent activities for our Spanish community in collaboration with NEAR communities, like we started with OPEN WEB ACADEMY, AURORA ES NEAR and CRYPTOBLOCK PERU and FIRULAIX (WORLD ANIMAL REGISTRY). Here is the Youtube video:

Our activities also will include:

  • Create a guide for NEAR about Funding with focus on BUSINESS. (Spanish and English)
  • Create a guide for NEAR about navigating the NEAR ecosystem with focus on BUSINESS. (Spanish and English)

Youtube and X talks about Businnes:

Business & Tech (All the Monday at 8 pm PST) X Channel: @SocialmeetClub with more than 10,000 followers (in SPANISH or ENGLISH)

Business & Tech (All the Tuesdays at 8 pm PST) YouTube Channel SPANISH or ENGLISH Socialmeet Global Meritocracy Club: @socialmeetmeritocracyclub

In both cases, the idea is to invite founders or marketers of interesting projects on NEAR to explain Business Opportunities or Partnership with Platforms like Ref.Finance, BOS, Shardog, MERITOCRACY PLUGIN and others.

OUR Hybrid dApps that connects with NEAR wallet through MERITOCRACY Plugin:

As I mentioned before, all my Startups and niche communities are interconnected and support each other.

  • Socialmeet: The Best MERITOCRACY CLUB in the World, is a community of talented, skilled, people with merit in general, is a huge project but because I have limited resources I started with the MVP platform, where some meritocracy member can sell their consulting hours.
  • THE HUMAN TEAM is the Blog of Meritocracy Club, and the MVP is like a small “Patreon” for bloggers or experts called the Human Team that Challenge AI (tools like ChatGPT)
  • INFLUENTIAL CIRCLE is my other MVP that help grow different small business, startups and WEB3 projects faster and also is necessary for my startups and the growth of my communities. It is a very strategic startup that works in WEB2 but also connects with NEAR Wallet for unlock  PASSCODES
  • NCB (NEAR CERTIFIED BUSINESS) is a Business certification that helps attract business to NEAR and is how we believe we can get more transactions and retention. I will explain it in detail below in this part: 1ST MONTH: ATTRACT

1ST MONTH: ATTRACT (Using our 4 communities on Telegram, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and SEO-optimized blog posts)

    Focus on reaching out to other communities for attracting devs from WordPress (Approximately 810 million websites are made in WordPress), as well as Founders, Business owners, Investors, and Startups that use WordPress (which represents 43% of the internet) to build, establish partnerships or collaborations, and receive payment in NEAR. (KPI: Research, identify, and contact at least 10 communities each month.)
  • Our proposal includes UPDATES, MAINTENANCE, and RESEARCH for 3 months of the MERITOCRACY PLUGIN in coordination with the main Projects of the NEAR ecosystem to do partnership with those interested in reaching with their products and services to approximately 810 million websites are made in WordPress, which represents 43% of the Internet, without knowing anything about code, just a few clicks away. Our vision is very close to what we heard recently which is the vision of NEAR, which wants to be a wallet that is key to everything in WEB3, in our case we want to be THE DOOR for that key that leads to the bridge that connects everything in WEB2 and that can be opened with that NEAR key. We intend to build together with NEAR Ecosystem the second part of MERITOCRACY PLUGIN, we are interested in partnering, for example, with REF.FINANCE, BOS, AURORA, MINTBASE, SHARDOG, NEAR SOCIAL or COSMOSE AI, SWEAT ECONOMY. PLAY EMBER, also explore CBDC and other interesting ecosystems on WEB3 like COSMOS, where we have many friend founders, or POLYGON. So, our proposal includes having me personally as the project manager of MERITOCRACY PLUGIN, our TECH specialist, and other members of our technical team, carry out the research together and of course under the guidance of my tech co-founder, Saad Iqbal. Additionally upgrades and maintenance of the MERITOCRACY PLUGIN. As a WordPress expert as I mentioned before, they are vital, because this does not depend on us, it depends on WordPress itself and the other third party plugins as well, as a result, 3 months may seem like a short period, but for WordPress it could happen more than 100 updates or more because we need to check compatibilities with other plugins like WooCommerce, Ultimate Member, etc. in this time period, so having a team of dedicated WordPress experts to make these upgrades is absolutely important.
    CONTENT Advertise Business Opportunities or Partnership Guides at: NEAR FOUNDATION, DEVHUB. AURORA, REF FINANCE, NEAR SOCIAL, NDC, HACKBOX, and EVENTS in Spanish and English.
    (KPI: Write: 4 SEO Articles, at approximately 500 words each monthly for 3 months).

It will be published on our blog at BOS and also on our blog because it has excellent SEO management and challenging AI making it novel and attractive for our audience, as I mention before The Human Team is a Hybrid dApp that connect with NEAR Wallet through MERITOCRACY Plugin, so it will help to make more transactions on NEAR Wallet if we have interesting prizes and bounties. Additionally, we establish a presence with this content on other Social Media: like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok for SEO reasons.


(KPI: Contact at least 10 potential partners for NEAR each month)

  • SOCIAL STRATEGY RESEARCH, ORGANIZE AND DIGITAL PUBLIC RELATIONS IN SPANISH & ENGLISH. There are many communities that promote NEAR on various platforms, but it is not well-organized for interested parties to find the best community for their needs. This could also create opportunities for misinformation or scams. I will research existing resources on social media platforms as follows:
    o XSpaces (Contact, List, and Tag handle NEAR Channels)
    o XCommunities (Contact, List, and Tag handle NEAR Channels)
    o LinkedIn (Contact, List, and Tag handle NEAR Channels)
    o Telegram Communities (Contact, List, and share on NEAR Channels or allied channels)
    o Whatsapp Communities (Contact, List, and share on NEAR Channels or allied channels)
    o YouTube Channels (Contact, List, and share on NEAR Channels or allied channels.

(KPI: The deliverable will be an organized list of these communities, plus evidence of my outreach to them like screenshots)

    LEGAL, FINANCE, and TAX content, are the main issues that stop many founders, businesspeople, and Startups from starting to build in WEB3. Crypto Lawyers and Crypto Experts in taxes are very expensive and hard to find, so our ultimate goal is to get relevant tips and do legal clinics for entrepreneurs with the possibility to develop basic templates for WEB3 like Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and other requirements needed to start building websites in web3. If possible, we will also create basic templates to assist entrepreneurs with taxes. The cost of developing these templates is unknown at this time, so the initial goal will be to develop an understanding of what’s possible, as well as the potential cost.

For the first month, we will start with 1 month of research to develop initial contacts with lawyers in preparation of our mid-term goals.

(KPI: Our deliverable will be at least 3 budgets resulting from our initial research and at least 1 YouTube Webinar of Business & Tech with Lawyers)

I already started working the PARTNERSHIP with the founder’s lawyers firms in Latino America, the Cayman Islands, and The United States (all of them bilingual in English and Spanish) and also they are experts in taxes and raising money from investors as well for startups and small businesses (so far more than 15 of them added me on Linkedin), as you can check out on my Personal Linkedin As a woman Founder, I think this is the Key to attracting Startups and Small Businesses to NEAR and WEB3 in general because regulations can stop entrepreneurs from building in WEB3.

Additionally, I started a Work Chat Group on Telegram with Ref.Finance Team as a Co-Founder and Project Manager of Meritocracy Plugin that is like a Bridge between WEB2 and WEB3 (NEAR), for doing the technical research for the second part of developing of Meritocracy Plugin that is bring also NEP-141 Tokens and others ERC20 to gamificate, unblock, sell content, secret sections, etc and interact with Websites in WordPress (43% of the internet are websites made in WordPress). I am sharing this link for you to check out how MERITOCRACY PLUGIN works using my 7 MVP Websites are made in WordPress examples of their applications to Hybrid dApps that can interact with NEAR cryptocurrency and do transactions using the Meritocracy Plugin

The second part of MERITOCRACY PLUGIN that we want to work on in coordination with Ref. finance is bring the customized Token on WordPress websites using Meritocracy Plugin as a bridge and that already trade with Crypto NEAR and also bring those customized tokens to NEAR Ecosystem, as a result users will be able to stake, farming, trade add liquidity inside of, or interact with BOS and other projects on NEAR Ecosystem from their Websites in WordPress (so we can attract, small businesses and new people who are not necessarily developers to , BOS, NEAR Ecosystem in general with a soft and organic transition, as result it could be kind of Aurora that connect with Ethereum in our case MERITOCRACY PLUGIN connect NEAR with 43% of the Internet (WordPress) and vice versa. We also are in the conversation for doing an alliance with Aurora es NEAR for teach entrepreneurs and small business owners about Aurora as well and other interesting projects of NEAR Ecosystem.

Other interesting idea that we have in mind about the second part of MERITOCRACY PLUGIN

It will be an add-on for the Meritocracy plugin. The initial core idea is to LINK myCred badges (Top 5 WordPress Plugin of Gammification in the World) to NEAR protocol NFTs. (Working together and coordinating with Mintbase, Shardog, etc.)

  • Admin can create mycred badges and link them to NFTs using MERITOCRACY PLUGIN, so each time a user earns a badge, he gets the badge NFT.
  • For example:
    • Admin has created a badge and created 10 NFTs against that badge. It means a maximum of 10 users can earn that badge, and when a user earns that badge, the NFT will be transferred from the admin’s account to that user’s account.
    • A user can show NFT on his account as proof that he has earned the badge.
  • In Our MERITOCRACY plugin we will have to code this functionality.
    • Users will have to connect their Near account to the website account.Add a link between Created NFTs and badges, so users can not earn more badges than the created NFTs.
    • On a successful badge we have to transfer the ownership of the next NFT from the admin’s account to the user’s account.

On the other hand, once we are in the research of the second part of MERITOCRACY PLUGIN, we are also happy to hear about other necessities that NEAR needs for the ecosystem in order to attract more users from WordPress to NEAR, using our Plugin, so feel free to reach out me on Linkedin:  or X for talking about this

Research, organize, and prepare Material for the 1st NEAR Certified BUSINESS (NCB) Bootcamp in Spanish

  • NCB (NEAR Certification Business) main topics:
    ● Identify, promote, and interact with the most solid and strategic projects on NEAR in the boot camp.
    ● Teach BOS
    ● Teach Meritocracy Plugin
    ● Explain Aurora and some Applications
    ● Explain Ref.Finance
    ● Explain NEAR Social
    ● Explain ShardDog
    ● Explain NDC
    ● Identify, explain, interact, and promote some interesting Projects led by Women Founders at NEAR:
    • Mintbase
    • Influential Circle
    • Meritocracy Club
    • And Others

NEAR Certified BUSINESS (NCB) Bootcamp “It’s Free” but people need to have these requirements to attend NCB Bootcamp:

  • Create an X Account
  • Create a Telegram account
  • Create a NEAR Wallet to attend and register in the Bootcamp
  • To obtain their certificates and participates in the $500 and $300 prize the entrepreneurs need to create their profile in NEAR SOCIAL (BOS)

We give as prizes: $500 and $300 for the 1st and 2nd best projects in the Bootcamp equivalents in NEAR.

Benefits of NEAR Certified BUSINESS (NCB) Bootcamp:

  • NFT Certification
  • Possibility of voting and being elected if they decide to be part of the NEAR Ecosystem (ENGAGEMENT & RETENTION)
  • Access to Directory NEAR Organization Chart: Research and identify the best way to contact and handles of KEY main leaders in the NEAR Ecosystem and the main leaders of Projects by Twitter, LinkedIn, Discord, or Telegram. This is valuable because we will save time for founders without a bureaucratic process at NEAR. This will allow the process of partnerships or collaborations to move faster and avoid the scammers impersonating the NEAR TEAM.
  • Access to the list of NEAR Communities or Communities Allied with NEAR: Contact, research, identify and list good communities in NEAR.
  • Legal and tax workshops for those who successfully approve the NCB


  • 1 NEAR Certified BUSINESS (NCB) bootcamps, we are planning at least 1 NCB per month in SPANISH after the 3 months, but this proposal is only for the first 3 months.
  • Include Legal and Tax workshops for those who successfully approve the NCB
  • Develop roadmaps to achieve growth and retention at NEAR, for example:
    o  NCB then DEV HUB (For Devs)
    o  NCB then NEAR HORIZON (For Founders and Startups)
    o  NCB then Hackbox (Devs and Hackers)
    o  NCB then interesting projects by WOMEN (For Women founders and Businesses owners focus on Partnership, do businesses and Collaborations).
    o  NCB then INFLUENTIAL CIRCLE or SHARD DOG (For ambassadors or micro-influencers).
    o  And so on, the important thing is that everybody who finishes NCB will have a roadmap to stay in the NEAR ecosystem. (Retention at NEAR)
  • Permanent Engagement with our community by identifying current safe promotions and legitimate bounties in NEAR ECOSYSTEMS, and making sure that all of them are updated, because there are many scammers and fake communities in Telegram and Discord. As a result, we will keep our community updated with valuable information opportunities.
  • Our community could be a TOP-OF-MIND resource to find official and legit promotions. bounties, etc. IN SPANISH and ENGLISH

Funding scheme: Monthly, for 3 months

Expected impact and value you foresee for the NEAR ecosystem/community

  • Our focus on attracting Businesses and Founders to NEAR ecosystems will provide better results than just focusing on transactions and retention of individuals because interested businesses will invest time and money, which will create many more transactions and real-world use cases, further developing the NEAR ecosystem.

Our Goals and Focus in 3 months:

Accounts Retention
After 1/2/4/8 weeks, aim to retain at least 75% on-boarded accounts. (because to get the new certifications NCB (NEAR Certification Business) necessarily needs to be on-boarded, because this is part of the requirements.

Account Acquisition
Cost — A target acquisition cost is difficult to calculate per account because (similar to OPOLIS), because the target is NICHE and implies a lot of one-on-one communication to attract businesses or entrepreneurs with startups instead of individuals. Fortunately, our leader is a founder, so she understands the needs of startups. She was a Key Account Manager and worked with the biggest companies in Peru, so her know-how is unique and valuable for this specific project.

dApps Engagement
Ensure that at least 75% of accounts retained can interact with more than one dApp in the NEAR ecosystem. BOS, Aurora, Ref. Finance, Shardog, Near Social and others (That’s why the NCB is so important because the goal of this bootcamp is for the business owners to interact with the main dApps of the NEAR Ecosystem)

Social Engagement Score
Increase 10% compound metric of the number of posts, likes, and followers/views in our social media channels, including Twitter, Telegram, Near Social and LinkedIn (because our Target is Businesses).

And this proposal include my unique Know how and Reputation in Latam and Silicon Valley and power LinkedIn with great networking as well my other social media like my Twitter @SocialmeetClub, where well know founders and influential people from the Blockchain industry follow us, like the Governor of Colorado Jared Polis.

Section 8. Budget

  • Projected Budget for the next three months (In USD for each Task/Milestone)

OUR BUDGET IS SIMILAR TO #SheIsNEAR, but in our case we have clear KPIs.

  • Links to Similar Proposals from Near Foundation, existing GDAOs, Near ECO (if applicable)

Of course, here is the link to the #SheIsNEAR Budget and Proposal, and we make the comparison with them because I WAS PART OF THE CORE TEAM OF SHE IS NEAR as many members of the “HOUSE of MERIT” know, until suddenly I received strange public tweets indicating that I am no longer part of SHE IS NEAR, coincidentally it was after I asked for help from the main leaders of the NEAR ecosystem in Twitter, to help us investigate the hack of SHE IS NEAR, which is very, very strange, because for example, if I were hacked, I would be the first to ask for help to investigate, it would be me. Additionally, I founded the first NEAR WOMEN community in 2022 #NEARWomen and my proposal has WOMEN leaders, most of them founders. and women with recognized experience and great reputation INSIDE and OUTSIDE of NEAR:

  • What is the length of Commitment to Delivering Your Project? Will your team be working on this project full time?: I will working full time and the rest of my team part time
  • Will your team be fully renumerated from this budget? Yes

Section 9. Project/DAO longevity

  • Does your project/DAO require one-time or continuous funding?
  • Part of our Project implies continuing to build communities for NEAR that is basically marketing for NEAR so this need funding and another part of our project, the idea is that in the future we generate revenue for us and for NEAR.
  • Will your DAO/Project device way of sustaining itself after this round of funding?

This is our plan, but part of our project is the research for the second part of MERITOCRACY PLUGIN, and we hope to find a way to generate a great business model in this research as well.

  • What are the possible roadblocks to the success of your project/DAO?

The obstacle we could have been not receiving support from NEAR, not because our proposal is bad, but because it is not. We have received many congratulations via DM on Telegram from several members of House of Merit, whom we do not know but they see the quality of our proposal that It makes us happy because we believe in MERIT and not in Clientelism, Cronyism, or Nepotism, but we see that in NEAR there are at least 2 opposing teams and it seems that the proposals are being measured, not by merit but for other reasons that sooner or later will end up affecting seriously the great ecosystem that NEAR had

This article was written by Marilyn Alvarado, She is member of “Socialmeet The Best Meritocracy Club in the World”: and you can see her schedule if you want to talk with her HERE